Ragtime Tablet Gatherings
Come get connected in the midst of a pandemic.Welcome to being connected in the midst of a pandemic.
We are pleased to have you involved in our Zoom gatherings.
Ragtime Gatherings
This is now the link for our Ragtime Tablet group. Just click above, or us the ID and Passcode below.
859 4562 1347 – ID
980948 – PC
Special Bingo Zoom Link
This is the link for the special Agape Bingo Zoom sessions.
Bingo Card Link
3 large ripe mangos
1 jalapeno pepper
1/3 c diced red onnion (1 small onion)
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro (leaves from small bunch)
Cut mangos and place in bowl Add jalapeno pepper, chopped. (Remove seeds if want to reduce heat). Add onion. Remove leaves from cilantro and chop. Add to remaining ingredients.
OPTIONAL: Add 1 can of black beans, drained and rinsed.
DRESSING: 2 T of lemon juice, 3 T Olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon sea salt or kosher salt.
Mix the dressing together and pour over salsa. Stir, chill and serve.
Happy eating.
Here are your examples of jewlery.

Here is the gallery of all of your vision boards! If you click or touch any one photo, it will enlarge so you can see it better. If you click or touch the next number of the word NEXT you will go to the next four photos. It’s easy and you can see all your boards really well.
The Sharing Economy
Lyft, Uber, Air BNB, and much more
Nations Online
Learn about your neighbors.
Photos photos everywhere.
Photos with all devices – and then what? Learn how to take photos and use them.